How to add products free on jointomart as a seller

On this page, you'll learn how to add products to jointomart so you can start earning money as a seller. We want to help you add your products to jointomart without any hassle if you've just found us and are wondering how to do it. In order to add products to the website:

  • First, click the Register button on the left-hand side of the screen to register on the website.
  • To get paid later, remember to fill out your payment method after registration. 

    Simple steps to add products to the jointomart

  1. Click the my account summary link
  2. Scroll down to Selling
  3. Hover over Selling
  4. Click on the first link which, is Sell. You can now add the new and old products you want to sell on jointomart platform.

When buyers have successfully received the products you have successfully shipped to them as described on jointomart's marketplace platform, then you will be paid.

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